Sunday, 1 February 2009

UFO - hexagon bag

About a week ago, I attended a class on making a bag out of hexagons. It was a fun day, but none of us got even half way to completing the bag (we had 15 hexagons to make and then attach to each other). I enjoyed the class, (even if I was the youngest one there by a mile), and i achieved everything without using my machine. I was pleased with my colour choice (from my stash) and eager to carry on when I got home. I am now at the stage where I need to think for myself, make and attach loops so I can attach the handles. This is traditionally where I stop a project and this one looks no different - particularly as hubby doesn't like the bag!

I am hoping that having it on the blog and in the list, it won't be long before I make it.

here are some pictures

and in side - no need for lining (yay) as each unit creates it own lining. very clever.

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