Its a new year and with new years, usually comes resolutions. I tend not to make any, as I tend not to stick to any. But events over the past week has made me change my mind.
i have 'discovered' (or perhaps finally admitted) the reason why I don't finish stuff. Its so I don't fail. I hate failing. The only 'big' things I have failed are my first driving test (and even then I have excuses) and a year 11 physics exam (but I had extenuating circumstances - I walked out of the exam due to other crap going on in my life).
The older I get the more I don't either attempt or I don't finish. I didn't finish my french cert iv in tafe (got to the last 6 months, but didn't want to take the exam), I didn't finish an art course (that had an exam too), and I have a pile getting bigger and bigger of unfinished quilt and patchwork projects. some just need the binding done (how pathetic is that).
I think, subconscisouly, that if I don't finish something then I can't fail at it. but by the same token, if I don't finish something then I don't have anythign to show for the time and money invested.
So, my resolution this year is to attack my UFO pile and hopefully finish them. I will still allow myself to start projects, but will have an effort to finish stuff too.
So starting from next week, I will 'showcase' a UFO each week. There will be some pictures of current state plus what needs to be done to finish it. I will also do updates on progress. I am slow so patience will be required.