Wednesday, 16 December 2009



here is a picture of me just before being induced and yes I felt huge (circumference was around 51 inches).

and here is little Seren.

I have made progress on several projects but not finished any but hopefully will quilt something soon.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

32 Weeks Bump Shot

32 weeks pregnant - getting bigger!!

hoping to get some quilting done when I go on Mat leave next week!

Friday, 14 August 2009

26 weeks pregnant and looking a bit chubby

Saturday, 7 February 2009

UFO Tumbling Santas

Here is a lovely applique piece, that I really wished i had finished by now. I have taken it out of christmas quilt pattern to do as a wall hanging. After a bit of umming and arring, I have finally decided on the borders, and that is what I have left to do. The final border is going to be made up of green 2" blocks in various christmas patterns. I have started cutting and sewing them together.

I am not too nervous about quilting this one as I think it will be straight forward in ditch.

pictures: what it looks so far

closer look at one of the santa's

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Sleepy Angel - without wings

I did another class and I am very proud to say I have finished it (it required a bit of handsewing once home to get it completed).

It is my first 'doll' and I love it (and hubby likes this one!). Most of the fabric came from my stash (always a good thing), all I needed to buy was stuffing (got a polyester filled cushion and used the filling as it was cheaper then buying filling) and wool for the hair.

it was a great class, and took all the mystery out of making dolls. I have had my eye on a few patterns in magazines of dolls that I want to make, and now that I understand the basic process, I am going to give them a go. I didn't learn too many tricks, but I have worked out from a few things that I didn't do, what I could do to make it easier.

The only thing I have missed are the wings. I made them, but hubby and I decided that it looked better without, so I didn't attach them. However, I make another and use them for that.

a closer picture of the face. The hat is supposed to be 'flopped' to the other side and tucked under the other arm, but I liked it this way, and I added a star button to the end of it (easier than adding a pom pom!).

UFO - hexagon bag

About a week ago, I attended a class on making a bag out of hexagons. It was a fun day, but none of us got even half way to completing the bag (we had 15 hexagons to make and then attach to each other). I enjoyed the class, (even if I was the youngest one there by a mile), and i achieved everything without using my machine. I was pleased with my colour choice (from my stash) and eager to carry on when I got home. I am now at the stage where I need to think for myself, make and attach loops so I can attach the handles. This is traditionally where I stop a project and this one looks no different - particularly as hubby doesn't like the bag!

I am hoping that having it on the blog and in the list, it won't be long before I make it.

here are some pictures

and in side - no need for lining (yay) as each unit creates it own lining. very clever.

Sunday, 25 January 2009


Its a new year and with new years, usually comes resolutions. I tend not to make any, as I tend not to stick to any. But events over the past week has made me change my mind.

i have 'discovered' (or perhaps finally admitted) the reason why I don't finish stuff. Its so I don't fail. I hate failing. The only 'big' things I have failed are my first driving test (and even then I have excuses) and a year 11 physics exam (but I had extenuating circumstances - I walked out of the exam due to other crap going on in my life).

The older I get the more I don't either attempt or I don't finish. I didn't finish my french cert iv in tafe (got to the last 6 months, but didn't want to take the exam), I didn't finish an art course (that had an exam too), and I have a pile getting bigger and bigger of unfinished quilt and patchwork projects. some just need the binding done (how pathetic is that).

I think, subconscisouly, that if I don't finish something then I can't fail at it. but by the same token, if I don't finish something then I don't have anythign to show for the time and money invested.

So, my resolution this year is to attack my UFO pile and hopefully finish them. I will still allow myself to start projects, but will have an effort to finish stuff too.

So starting from next week, I will 'showcase' a UFO each week. There will be some pictures of current state plus what needs to be done to finish it. I will also do updates on progress. I am slow so patience will be required.