Sunday, 7 December 2008


Okay, I figure I am more a 'once a month' poster, although this month I might make it two as I don't have any pictures.

I have been fairly busy craft wise the last month or so. I have completed all the blocks for the nursery rhyme quilt - just a few finishing touches required (like eyes, mouths on the characters, adn the nursery rhyme title on each block), so am hoping to finish that before christmas so I can try and quilt in the new year.

I also went on a one day Welsh Quilting course. I had no idea what to expect and it was fantastic. It is thought that it was the welsh that taught the Amish to quilt in america. its all handquilting (something I hadn't done before), and symmetrical patterns. the fabric isn't important and if doing patchwork, the quilting and the patchwork design, traditionally don't line up (patchwork wasn't part of welsh quilting other than to get enough fabric together). there are lots of borders etc. I am working on a cushion size design at the moment and I am fairly slow. In the class we had a go at designing a quilt, which was great and something I thought I wouldn't find interesting or be good at.

With handquilting, the technique we were taught used two thimbles - one on each hand (I have use the middle finger on teh bottom hand and the index finger on the top hand). One hand goes under the quilt, and one goes on top. I use a hoop to keep the fabric and the 'right' tension (like a cat has sat on it - was the description we were given!). then the needle is balance between the thimbles with the fabric in between. at first my stitches were too small and i was finding it impossible as I was trying to make them too small. but now I think I have the hang of it. I will post some pictures a bit later.

I also spent one sunday afternoon sorting out my fabrics into colours and putting them in boxes. it means I can now get into the sewing room. now I just have to go in there to sew!

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